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Here’s How to Tell If You Actually Like Someone You Matched with on Bumble

On Bumble you can connect with daters who you might not otherwise come across, which means that there’s ample opportunity to meet new and different people. When you first match with someone and start exchanging messages, you may quickly find that you have interests in common-and perhaps a mutual attraction. But it’s not always immediately clear whether you like someone you’ve matched with enough to keep the conversation going or to ask them out.

If you’re chatting with someone who you haven’t met IRL and you don’t know very well, you might be on the fence about pursuing the match. So, how can you tell if you like someone enough to make your next move? Here’s what experts say.

Consider your own dating intentions

Before knowing if you want to continue a connection with a Bumble match, it’s helpful to know what you’re seeking. Are you looking for a relationship or are you looking for something casual? Or do you just want to get out there and meet new people? “Once you’re clear on your dating intention, you’ll have more clarity on who’s going to align with that intention,” says love coach Nicole Haley. This way, if you’re not sure what your feelings are towards someone, you can reflect on whether they’re after the same things. If they’re not, you may want to move on to someone else.

Ask them open-ended questions

When you’re trying to decide if you like a match or not, sometimes it’s helpful to keep the conversation going to get to know them a bit better. Dr. Jennifer B. Rhodes, psychologist and author of “Toxic Insecurity: The Path of Relational Spirituality and Our Search for Authentic Love”, says her favorite prompt is to ask, ‘Tell me a favorite story.’ “It doesn’t direct the other person, and the way that they answer may show you if they’re kind, if they’re insensitive, or if there are some red flags.” Or you can try other open-ended questions like, “What makes you smile?” “What do you enjoy about your work week?” or “What do you like to do on the weekend?”
