Genre: Horror Quantities: 3-in-step one Kurouzu-cho, a little fogbound town with the shore regarding Japan, is actually cursed. Considering Shuichi Saito, the brand new taken boyfriend off teen Kirie Goshima, its area is actually troubled maybe not of the a guy or becoming but a pattern: UZUMAKI, brand new spiral-the fresh new meditative miracle form of the world. New unconventional masterpiece headache manga happens to be offered all in a great solitary regularity. Fall into a great whirlpool out of scary!
Tale and you may artwork by the Ichigo Takano; interpretation, Amber Tamosaitis; variation, Shannon Fay; lettering and you may design, Lys Blakeslee. Genre: Fiction Amounts: To begin with penned since 6 quantities that have been accumulated into the 3 omnibuses Everybody has regrets in daily life. So who wouldn’t do the chance to change the previous in the event the considering the opportunity? Continuarea